Gabby Pony SFW Reference

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Name: Gabriel (Gabby)
Species: Mix of Bat and Pegasus
Major Characteristics: Pegasus wings, short fangs, regular eyes, little bit of fluff on the ears
Sex: Female
Orientation: Bisexual


  • Rain, Winter, Snow, Cold
  • Forests, Mountains, Overgrown Ruins, Caves
  • North (the bird)
  • Wings, Ears and Fluffy Tails
  • Spicy Foods, Bubble Tea
  • Sleeping, Cuddling and Hugs
  • Exploration, Cooking and Games


  • Excessive Small Talk
  • Constant Complaining

Twitter: @GabrielSerealia
Discord: gabrielserealia
Telegram: @GabrielSerealia
e621: gabriel_serealia

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