Gabby Pony NSFW Reference

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Name: Gabriel (Gabby)
Species: Mix of Bat and Pegasus
Major Characteristics: Pegasus wings, short fangs, regular eyes, little bit of fluff on the ears
Sex: Female
Orientation: Bisexual

Gabby likes exploring forests, mountains, overgrown ruins and caves with her companion North (the bird). North and Gabby are always found together no matter where they go. They both find it fun to be very mess with each other. She enjoys being out in the rain in fall and snow during the winter dressed with her red and white scarf with a maple leaf. She likes to try cooking different kinds of food, but dislikes most seafood. Her home is a small red brick house out in the forest. You can usually find her curled up in bed sleeping or just enjoying the warmth of her covers inside a cold room. Gabby can be very energetic around her friends and loves stealing pieces of apparel or clothing from others and wearing them. She also frequently likes to playfully tug on people’s ears and tails with her teeth.


  • Rain, Winter, Snow, Cold
  • Forests, Mountains, Overgrown Ruins, Caves
  • North (the bird)
  • Wings, Ears and Fluffy Tails
  • Spicy Foods, Bubble Tea
  • Sleeping, Cuddling and Hugs
  • Exploration, Cooking and Games


  • Excessive Small Talk
  • Constant Complaining


  • Low-Angle Perspectives
  • Paws, Facesitting, Close-ups
  • Bondage, Choking, CNC
  • Metal Spheres, Bird
  • Glass/Transparent Toys
  • Closeups/Internal
  • Breast Play, Casual Nudity
  • Knotting, Spreading

Twitter: @GabrielSerealia
Discord: gabrielserealia
Telegram: @GabrielSerealia
e621: gabriel_serealia